„An osteopath is only a human engineer, who should understand all the laws governing his engine and thereby master disease.“

—  Andrew Taylor Still

What is osteopathy ???

Osteopathic medicine (osteopathy) has been a recognized therapeutic practice in the healthcare system for over 130 years. Osteopathy is a field of medicine that integrates clinical knowledge with manual diagnostic skills and hands-on therapy. Osteopathic treatments attempt to resolve the underlying dysfunction of movement in the spine and joints, internal organs, and nerves that contribute to the onset or recurrence of the disease.

Who is Osteopath ???

There are a few ways to become an osteopath, have to sign up for a course and finish a training program leading to a bachelor’s degree in osteopathy (BSc Hons, BOst) or a master’s degree in osteopathy (MOst). A degree program involves anatomy, physiology, pathologies, pharmacology, nutrition, biomechanics and at least 1,100 hours of clinical experience. Courses typically last four years full-time or five years part-time.

What Osteopath can treat ???

Chronic and acute spinal pain conditions
like disc problems in the lower back or neck,
joint pain (shoulder pain, shoulder impingement, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, golfers elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome).
Sports injuries like a groin strain, thigh or hamstring strain, knee injuries, calf pain, ankle sprains, Achilles tendon injuries
Headaches and dizziness of the spinal origin, temporomandibular joint dysfunctions

What else ???

Functional problems within internal organs:
asthma, digestion problems, symptoms of gastro-oesophagal reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Disease (IBS, IBD).

Diagnosis and therapy of postural and structural disorders in children and adults. Problems in infants and children: Latching problems, reflux, colitis, constipation, torticollis, head asymmetry (plagiocephaly), blockage of the tear duct, recurring ear, nose and sinus infections or asthma.

Osteopathy during pregnancy ???

Osteopathy during and post-pregnancy can help with commonly occurring problems like back pain, pelvic girdle pain, sciatica or rib pain. The osteopath’s objective is straightforward: to ensure that each structure is in its best place and has optimal mobility and motility. When a body structure is free of limitations it may move and express itself normally, which allows the system to work properly. Not only will a restricted structure perform poorly, but it will almost certainly restrict other structures, so reducing their performance, and so on. The osteopath’s primary goal is to determine the etiology of dysfunction.

Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy ???

Craniosacral therapy works according to the rhythm of the fluid that is fluctuating from the very top – from the dura mater system – to all cells of our body. For this reason, craniosacral therapy is referred to in the context of the therapy of the whole organism, not only the skull. The skull collects all the tensions that “flow” from various parts of the human body. Like breathing and heartbeat, the craniosacral rhythm can be felt all over the body. By placing our hands on the selected area, we can sense disturbances in the craniosacral rhythm, find functional and pathological changes in the human body, and then cause the rhythm to slow down or accelerate to normalize its work.  The touch we’re talking about is minimal – it is assumed to be around 5 grams. It is a pressure, similar to the force we need to carry a dollar. And although it may seem that such a delicate contact has little effect, quite the opposite is true. The fascia and nervous system respond very well and efficiently.

How does it work, what does it help with, and who can benefit the most from it?

Safe for pregnant women, newborns and the elderly. It works very gently and subtle, and at the same time, is effective and brings excellent results. It helps with traumas or tensions and balances the function of many organs. 

What are the objectives of Craniosacral therapy ???

  • balance the cerebrospinal fluid circulation,
  • assessing, if there are any restrictions in the sutures and restoring the mobility of the skull bones,
  • improving the mobility and condition of the central nervous system (the nervous system is affected by the tension of the connective tissue structures in the head),
  • loosening the fascia, which together with the ligaments form a kinematic chain. This applies to both the longitudinal fascia in the body and the transverse membranes in the vicinity of the pelvis, diaphragm, upper thoracic opening and the occipital-cervical transition. Fascias are also located in our legs (at the level of the knees and ankles), hands, the larynx, the base of the skull and around the eyes.

Indications for craniosacral therapy ???

  • headaches and recurring migraines,
  • back
  • pain,
    pains of unknown origin,
  • menstrual disorders and pain before menstruation,
  • scoliosis and posture defects,
  • hyperactivity in children,
  • concentration disorders in children and adults,
  • sleeping disorders,
  • depression
  • conditions such as dyslexia, tics, stuttering,
  • traumas related to a difficult childbirth,
  • perinatal and developmental defects of children (increased, decreased muscle tone, torticollis),
  • autism,
  • children’s difficulties in learning and with features of mental retardation,
  • allergies,
  • food intolerances
  1. Physical Therapy


Physical therapy is a healthcare profession that focuses on treating and managing pain symptoms, disability, and restricted movement with manual techniques like massage, myofascial techniques, joint mobilizations, and exercises.

    Physical Therapy can be the right choice if you want to: 

  • Relieve pain
  • Improve movement or ability
  • Prevent or recover from a sports injury
  • Prevent disability or surgery
  • Rehab after a stroke, accident, injury, or surgery
  • Work on balance to prevent a slip or fall
  • Manage a chronic illness like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis
  • Recover after you give birth

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)

What is NMT ???

NMT is a highly specialized form of medical massage therapy that uses treatment protocols to identify and release trigger points in muscle and tendon that cause pain and dysfunction in the body. Neuromuscular Therapy is a very effective and efficient pain management approach that relies on treatment precision. While we utilize hard pressure to release the trigger points in the majority of sessions, we always make sure we’re working within your pain tolerance — on the notorious “1 out of 10 pain scale,” we ask that if you experience anything higher than a 7, you let us know and we’ll reduce our pressure. Your tissue will tense up in response to the pain if it hits the 8,9, or 10 mark, which is counterintuitive to the treatment. Because we are directly treating these places for the first time, the initial session will always be the most severe; however, acute pain during your session is not our purpose! We respectfully request that you speak up rather than grit your teeth and suffer it – We don’t believe in “no pain, no gain”!

Conditions that NMT Can Treat:

NMT can be used to treat numerous conditions. These include but are not limited to the following:
Headaches and migraines
Temporomandibular joint disorders
Back pain
Neck and shoulder pain
Frozen shoulder and rotator cuff issues
Whiplash injuries
Carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain conditions
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
General muscle spasms, cramps, and strains

Sports Injury

What is Sports Injury Therapy? 

Sports Therapy is a speciality that focuses on injury prevention and restoring athletes to their optimal functional, occupational, and sports-specific fitness levels, regardless of age or abilities. It applies to sport and exercise science principles, including physiological and pathophysiological processes, to prepare participants for training, competition, and, when suitable, job.


Rolfing, or structural integration (SI) – is a method developed by Dr Ida Rolf, which aims to organize the human body to the force of gravity. It is an effective and universal technique that works with the fascial system. What distinguishes rolfing from other somatic activities is that physical balance, fluidity and freedom of movement, and general well-being require proper adaptation to the gravitational field. Structural integration aims to lengthen, stretch and soften the connective tissues so that, taking into account the principles of biomechanics and individually presented by the patient postural patterns, balance the tensions of the tensegrative system of the body, restore the ability to move and let the patient feel free in the body.

How does it work ?

Therapists working with this method deals with the whole person holistically, guided not only by the suggestions of patients and the description of their ailments. This method effectively helps in chronic spinal pains, lower back problems, ribs and shoulders ache, tension and restrictions in breathing, neck stiffness, sciatica, rehabilitation after injuries, and restricted joint mobility. It will also work in reducing excessive stress and chronic fatigue.
The strategy of a single session and an entire series is chosen to balance the positioning of the body segments.


Rolfing – therapy 

A typical series of Rolfing consists of ten sessions lasting from an hour to one and a half, with weekly breaks between sessions. The session plan is thought out in such a way as to fully and comprehensively achieve the integration of the whole organism.
After the 10th session, you can expect that new movement possibilities will appear with the release of tissue restrictions and the accompanying pain. You will feel more lightness and freedom in your body, your silhouette will change visibly and your way of moving. Your body awareness grows from session to session, a better understanding of how you can use your body effortlessly, more economically in your daily activities.
A relaxed body and mind allow you to experience a sense of freedom, openness and flexibility more deeply, not only physically by relieving tension, restriction and pain, but also mentally and emotionally, increasing self-awareness and better preparing for the following challenges of life.
Rolfing helps people in the psychotherapeutic process find a direct connection between what the body “says” and the emotions that arise. It helps to deepen the practice of meditation, yoga, tai-chi or other disciplines related to the work of the body and mind, such as dancers or athletes.

Our address


263 Navan Road, Dublin 7 
Eircode: D07 RCK4
Tel: 089-273-8489

                   Opening Hours

»   Monday             10:00 – 20:00

»   Tuesday            10:00 – 20:00

»   Wednesday         Closed

»   Thursday            Closed

»   Friday               10:00 – 20:00

»   Saturday         10:00 – 20:00

»   SUNDAY             10:00 – 20:00

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