


first visit

Typically, the first visit takes about 50 minutes. Suppose the patient has a medical history related to the presenting symptoms. In that case, it is advisable to bring relevant documentation regarding diagnosis, examinations results (X-ray, MRI or CT scan), or previously received treatment.


The osteopath conducts a thorough medical interview about the patient’s complaints. This process involves the circumstances of the injury/pain onset, aggravating and relieving factors, and refers to the patient’s medical history (e.g., previous injuries, surgery, diseases) or the nature of the work. This procedure enables us to create a personalized image of the patient’s health.


A diagnosis is established based on the collected information after the patient’s medical history, patient examination, and data analysis. The following stage is to explain and provide important information about the established diagnosis. For example, lumbar pain can occur from the stiffness in an ankle joint due to a past injury. A variety of stressors and impairments can also cause pain in other regions of the body, which are typically located far away from the pain site. In such cases, the Osteopath’s task is to identify these relations and interrupt the pain-causing chain reaction. Following a diagnosis, the patient is either qualified for osteopathic treatment or referred to another practitioner for further evaluation.


Following the history-taking process, the Osteopath performs a general visual examination of the patient’s eyes, skin, nails and posture. Following that, the spine and peripheral joints’ passive and active movements are evaluated. The flexibility of the spine, peripheral joints, tissue texture, temperature, muscle tone, and fascia mobility inside the visceral organs are next assessed using our sophisticated palpatory and manual testing skills. To rule out other, sometimes pathologically severe illnesses, orthopaedic, neurological, vascular, or visceral exams are also conducted. We can also advise performing additional tests and investigations (MRI, X-ray, Blood Analysis) and writing a GP referral letter if necessary.


We are looking for structural and mechanical dysfunctions in the body during the treatment to restore the whole system to equilibrium. Benefits include; pain relief, optimum body functioning, and prevention against illness and injury recurrence. Sometimes the pain of the shoulder or lower back are actually caused by non-mechanical referred pain from visceral structures like intestines, gallbladder or liver. Osteopathic treatment consists of an implementation of knowledge in physiology, anatomy, neurology, bio-mechanics and clinical experience. Joint mobilisation/manipulation techniques, myofascial techniques, lymphatic drainage techniques, visceral mobilisation techniques, or craniosacral therapy techniques are only a few examples of manual, hands-on techniques used in therapy.

Our address


263 Navan Road, Dublin 7 
Eircode: D07 RCK4
Tel: 089-273-8489

                   Opening Hours

»   Monday             10:00 – 20:00

»   Tuesday            10:00 – 20:00

»   Wednesday         Closed

»   Thursday            Closed

»   Friday               10:00 – 20:00

»   Saturday         10:00 – 20:00

»   SUNDAY             10:00 – 20:00

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